Sunday, December 4, 2011

Is a Garage a Big Deal?

It can be if you don't have one. We moved out to 7409 19 years ago and accepted the fact that we had a house and a pole barn (we refer to it as "the shed"). For years we only stored stuff in the shed, but after a few hard winters we realized that if we parked our vehicles in the shed we wouldn't have to scrape windshields or possibly deal with dead batteries. The shed wasn't heated, of course, but just having the vehicles out of the wind kept them from freezing up.

Still, even though the shed offered our vehicles shelter during the cold months, we couldn't lock the doors or keep out the weather. Everything in shed was covered in dust during the warm months and much of the winter we had snow and ice coating everything within 15 feet of the doors. We kept thinking that we could improve on this.

Putting up a garage would not only offer us security for our vehicles and other belongings, but it would reduce the amount of driveway that would need to be plowed in the winter. In fact, if we built a garage, yours truly might not have to set up snow fences every autumn. Now that's enticing!

In early November we decided this was the year to deal with the garage dream. We hired Schmidt Homes to do the deed and it went off like clockwork. We were blessed with an incredibly late fall. Start to finish? Three weeks. Amazing.