Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's All About the Wind

Every morning, one of the first things I check is the direction and speed of the wind. At the end of our driveway (in pursuit of the morning newspaper), I can see enough of the St. Olaf College wind turbine to determine both of those facts. Thursday, the wind backed around to the west after days of delivering steamy, hot southerly flows. Friday morning, the temperature dropped about 15 degrees and the clouds were scudding past to the southeast at a good clip. They resembled barge traffic on a big river, lots of barges. In fact, it was one of those skies where it seemed like the world had flipped upside down and all the action was where you weren't.

It blew with real intensity all day yesterday, not stormy, but just constant, something that is not uncommon on the prairie. The kind of wind that actually causes the turbine known as "Big Ole" to stop its work. There can actually be too much wind for even a giant like that.

This morning it's all quiet. A beautiful, sunny day with just a slight breeze. Perfect for any kind of outdoor activity, especially one on two wheels. I just have to decide which bike to use.

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